Morning Dream, 19th of December 2024
Swimming around in a lake with an island nearby, there was somebody else with me. There were also people on the shore standing on a dock. They were maybe locals who were angry with us and trying to get us to come out of the water. One of them surprised me because she had really long blonde hair and looked just like Iris.
Then I was setting up by building a house in a video game or at least video game mechanisms, it felt like a dollhouse to the point where I was able to kind of psychically slide the windows up and down open and closed with my thumb.
The people who lived in the house were a family with three daughters and a son or maybe two of each. This took place in the late 1800s. The parents were evil and were plotting to kill the children. Neighbors or at least some helpful people nearby were trying to get the children out and into their home. Perspective kept switching so I believe that's what was happening. It could have also been that the neighbors were the ones with four children and it was just me trying to get out?
Regardless of what it was the kids were now safe in the house and the parents were stopped from killing them. I don't remember what happened to the parents at this point, I think they kind of shut down.
I was one of the kids but again maybe not. It was now the 1960s, the new family gave me a pair of sunglasses that didn't fit but I thought they looked cool. I got a good look at a lot of vaguely 1960s tech that looked shiny and new.
Things began to morph again - now it was outside. The children were now A, B, C, and D. The parents were still parents but also duplicates of the twins C and D - they were still kind of evil and everyone was worried that they would come back, but they were still dormant. There were four coffins and in each of them A, B, C, and D placed clothing that had represented them some time before. Strangely D's was a sailor shirt and skirt which had never fit her. These were also tied to certain images used in certain places. The purpose of this was a ward against the return of evil.
The duplicates/parents came back but they came back wrong. They came back as extensions of their souls but they were dead. The duplicates split in half and fell apart. D cried for her mother but then it was done.
Later when nobody was around, the split parts came back, now near exclusively just the duplicate C and D. They danced together and talked about how there were now two Cs and two Ds. Their hair together was like a horse's mane and a stretch long and dark and curly. In some kind of ritual they joined halves, turned into a large black dog and ran away.
New-ish Place, Recurring, Documented 13th of November 2024
Island accessible by plane or by boat. Spanish moss.tide pools and rocks. calm water...bright and sunny. Summer camp type place.also somewhat like college.
Often accessible after going through a small airport and sitting in a smalll plane or ferry for some time. May or may not be related to a camp in the forest up a winding gravel road in the rain. May or may not be also related to the dream location of a bridge and a beautiful mountain pass
Nap Dream prior to 11am, Wednesday 6th of November 2024
Dream about a series of passageways and doors into another place. Out of any particular order.
Notes: mansion, light gray deck, Padilla, wisteria, gravel road, inexplicable rain, dogs, window, attic, red door, keys, bushes,
light carpet, stairs and split levels, mysterious??
The destination was a very nice mansion. I thought that I had driven there but it was uncertain. There was some kind of a party or hangout, friends of friends of family. The party died out and people left. I was starting to get all my stuff together but also waiting to see if I should leave in my car if family had already left or if we should regroup beforehand.
The host showed me to the attic. This was a huge space with a very high slanted ceiling. There was a terrifying huge open wood space on the wall that I was extremely bothered by. There was a girl that went up there with me but I don't know who she was.
It was a stressful situation in the house because I kept finding things that belonged to me that I had to gather and pack up so I could go home. I didn't know what I/we had brought and everyone had left so I had to figure it all out. In the main room I found three people which was a very familiar guy and two girls. I was very vulnerable in front of them and I think they helped me gather my things which was a lot of old sketchbooks and school documents. I was trying very hard to not let them see what was in the sketchbooks and was trying to put them in boxes and paper bags before they could see it. At some point out a high window I saw a flying tractor cut through the cloud layer. I thought it was strange and went back to work.
I was trying to leave the house in the very particular order that I had gotten in from through the "passageways". The way out was now being continually blocked off by a giant Baphomet-ish holy goat-lion-king statue with an open palmed hand that kept rotating into view to block exits. I recognized it as the one singular evil driving force in all the stories I had ever written - such as the demon Rosamond, and the thing that kept the girl within the walls. Trying to get past the statue was a kind of chase sequence but also intercut with far more mundane parts that completely ignored the sense of urgency but with a stressful feeling behind it. I think I had gotten past it upon leaving the house and was now dealing with a more spectral manifestation of it.
At some point I was also running back to the property, unsure how or why or when I had gotten out. I ran past a family that was walking on a gravel trail on a hill and I managed to do a perfect 90 degree slide into the driveway.
As I continued to leave the house I found the people from before standing around outside and smoking on a very nice porch. They came with me to my car and turned into dogs and then followed me as I continued through the passageways. I asked if any of them was a mage and then the inexplicable mage friend blessed me with the power to avoid demons and then once again we were on our way.
I was waiting for a gate on the property to open and past me drove a white minivan. Through the windows I could see that there was nobody inside, and that it was almost completely filled with water. The van wouldn't move out of the way so I went through a side door. Most of the maze of gates and doors was red.
We got most of the way back through past demons into a kind of computer lab room with interesting music playing. [Beginning of Mario Artist: Paint Studio - The Ocean Floor // Stardew Valley - Mines (Visitor to the Unknown)]. The music was very vivid. Anyways here at the next door I realized the dogs weren't going to cut it, and that I had to send them back to their own world. The next room past a porch would be very loud despite being a small entry hallway with Persian rug, and they would freak out and alert the demons. I tested it and it was true. I sent the dogs back home. Then I went through the door and I woke up.
On the 22nd of October 2024:
Similar to high school stress dreams I was sent back to middle school with the knowledge I have now. Some other people were still there but thought nothing of it, but the girl I sat at a desk clump with, and that I had been friends with in real middle school, also knew something was going on. It was in my high school English class with my second high school English teacher. The lights were always off. The teacher recognized other people but not us. Me and the girl realized our plan (?) wasn't working.
We looked through her sketchbook together and found writing drawings that we had made when we had been in middle school before.
Post-Alarm Dream, 18th of October 2024:
I was at my high school and trying to leave through the field because I had an embarrassing moment in the gym again in front of the whole shool. Par for the course high school stress dream however I was trying to get the Night's Edge from Terraria in time to slay a dragon. I didn't get it in time and a fire worm awakened over the fence and came at me. I only had a fire sword so I bit into it with fire fangs and tried to do enough DPS to kill it, I almost did enough but when I tried to kick it I kicked my bedpost so hard that I woke up.
Nap Dream, 17th of October 2024:
Huge hell foxes, light colored fennec fox coat with strange glitchy glowing orange ember spots. They were the size of a house and made no noise at all. They were chasing each other around through residential streets of what must have been Another Town. Spatially I felt like I was on the woods edge of town nearby the bridge.
I wanted to get closer to the foxes so I climbed and edged along the sides of houses all decorated somewhat like my neighbors' place, lots of trailing plants and stone benches and one with a fountain. I realized I was on some kind of narrow white brick ledge high up, evidently the houses weren't accessible from this side but one had a small alcove with a bench facing the street. I kept going and eventually the ledge ended, I hopped down onto a birdbath and then onto the ground in a garden that looked again like my neighbors' house. There was a boxed garden and lots of concrete and decorations again.
Here I saw a little fox thing that was standing upright and it scrambled away on two legs. I tried to follow it but I lost it around a corner. Eventually someone else was put into the dream and we were trying to figure out what the creature was. I was woken up by tsunami siren testing at 12:00 pm and never learned what it had been.
On the 20th of May 2024:
Our nine years of bluebirds are up.
On the 27th of October 2023:
In this dream I was a guy and not entirely myself. I was going to watch a movie with other people that I knew. I didn’t want to be there so I escaped and left into that weird different Another Town. I got found once but managed to evade the person. I hid on top of a building downtown overlooking the water at sunset. I thought I would sit and watch the orcas in the channel.
Parallel to this (can’t remember when this happened) I found the edge of the world. It was like walking down a steep hill or a mountainside. The grass grew longer as I walked down its steepening slope. It was like walking down a sphere. A bird ???guy???? Human but later botw rito looking guy found me on the rooftop and took me back to a castle through a window where an old mentor (another bird type guy) met with me. He explained my past and how I was once a bird like them. Either myself or my father got trapped in a volcano and near destroyed. Rescued by a mechanic girl who was in the room who was small and blonde but strong looking. After that I had been completely reborn and recovered. These people asked me to please stay here in effective comfort and nostalgia. I chose to.On the 8th of October 2023:
Ih ad a dream in the world of the big bay house again and outside of it.
In the bay there was a great orca congregation. It started very slowly while I was somewhere like Washington park with a group of people.
I saw one orca in the water and it jumped onto land. But later I saw more and more orca families to the point where the bay was full of them.
They arrived on the beach with the waves, mostly young ones. To avoid danger I climbed a stairwell while pleading with others to leave them and do the same.
Regardless it was beautiful and when I returned home they were still there and I watched them churn in the water. Porpoises floated on the air as they surfaced as well as two warring fish i could not recognize clashing horns against each other.
Later family was at my house my real house. My great grandmother had died.
I have not had a great grandmother since the early 2000s. Her newspaper still gets delivered to her at this address - or is it the other one?
On the 15th of July 2022:
heart -of-the_- mind
ruse 3337
On the 17th of April 2022:
evil and the son of wilderness