me at the oregon coast in 2022
❧ younger than some webpages,
but older than many other ones. (adult)
local time:
❧ online in other places:
im elsewhere too, you can find me on certain forums and other spaces online,
usually as (k.) oiseval, k1te or kitebird7 (or something else).
I'm Kite, at least in this world. I'm a fishercat sablefox regularcat college dropout gay werewolf hikineet thing on the web,
sleeping a lot and conserving my energy to unleash occasional psychic blasts.
I'm a guest on Coast Salish land and sea. I'm often found at the beaches and cliffs and woods or driving around aimlessly or in my room at my computer or standing around.
I like taking things apart and putting them back together for fun as well as downloading files to my computer.
I'm very interested in things like 'obsolete' tech, dragons, fonts, MIDI, toys, images, music, directories, rocks, manga and anime,
various mammals, archives, magic, lost media, driving, birds, charms, incense, shrimp and snails, puppetry and sculpture, animatronics, video games, and researching for fun.
I'm juggling about thirteen different projects that rotate on and off of the backburner,
mostly all connected through two different worlds called "Earthside" and "Sey".
I write and draw some of the time but a lot of the project work is internal. Thus I don't have very much to show...
but hopefully that will change!
I'm autistic ADHD and generally very reclusive. I also have an elf's sense of time and can be very slow to respond to people.
Please don't take it personally ^._^
I work from a MacBook Air (M1). My drawing tablet is a black XP-PEN 01 V2. Software I use includes Clip Studio, Blender, Aseprite, Garageband,
and lots of hyper-specific programs I spend hours trying to get working, and then use once and never again.
Traditionally I draw with Pilot G2 pens. For this site and other projects I use VS Code with a live preview extension.